Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What are you?

This morning Brady & I were snuggling in the big bed before going downstairs for breakfast.

Mummy: You are my precious snuggly baby! What are you? (Expecting him to repeat my words).
Brady: I'm English!
Mummy: You're English?
Brady: Yeah, I'm not a precious baby, I'm just English.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Brady: Am I going to school today?
Mummy: No, not today, it's Saturday.
Brady: Is school out for summer?
Daddy: No, summer is over, it's Autumn now.
Mummy: Do you know what happens in Autumn?
Brady: Yes, the leaves go to yellow in Autumn.

We had this conversation with Brady at lunch today. His knowledge amazes us so much, Daddy & I both had tears in our eyes. How does he know these things???

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Put them back!

Daddy left for Detroit today, he won't be back till late Tuesday night, we usually share the bedtime routine, but it's all left to me for a few night, which isn't unusual as daddy travels frequently, but it is hectic trying to get it all done alone.

At bedtime tonight, Brady requested 3 books, they were all short, so I gladly read them all, then put him in bed and kissed him goodnight. 20 minutes later!

Brady: Mummy? (Yelling at me from upstairs)
Mummy: Brady, what are you doing? Get back to bed.
Brady: But I can't mummy, you need to put them back.
Mummy: Put what back?
Brady: The books, you left them on the floor.
Mummy: Oh!

We walk hand-in-hand back to his room.

Brady: See, you left them on the floor, right there.
Mummy: I'm sorry.
Brady: Can you put them back so I can sleep?
Mummy: Sure, I'll put them back.

I put the books back, said goodnight and left the room, I haven't heard a peep since!!!


No, no, we didn't get a puppy, but we may go down that road sooner than later.

One of Brady's favourite shows on TV is "Bubble Guppies", he love it so much that he'll watch the same episode over and over, he even asks for specific episodes. On the episode we watched earlier, the characters adopted a puppy and called it "Bubble Puppy".

Brady: Look mummy, look! It's bubble puppy. Look! Look! Look!
Mummy: Oh yeah, it's a puppy.
Brady: I wish I could get a puppy!(said in a "feel sorry for me" tone".
Mummy: You do?
Brady: Yeah, can I get a puppy? Can I?